short version (as at March, 13th)
long version (as at March, 13th)
Policy statement
At the 6th Congress of Polish Studies, we welcome all scholars and students who oppose Russia’s war on Ukraine. Anyone supporting Russia’s war of aggression, or justifying it in any way, will not be welcome.
Short-term changes:
Panel I.3: "Umbrüche – Aufbrüche – Abbrüche. Geschlechterspezifische
Transformationsprozesse in Polen nach 1980" – cancelled
Additional 'Zwischenzeit': Johannes Kleinmann (Universität Wien / Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder): Die lange Zeit der Transformation in Polen zwischen 1980 und 2004 als geschlechterspezifischer Transformationsprozess
Sa., 16.3., 12:00–12:30, HSZ 201
Panel III.7: "Polen im Emsland. Ein vergessenes Kapitel deutsch-polnischer Nachkriegsgeschichte, seine Wiederentdeckung und seine europäische Bedeutung" (Rüdiger Rittter) will be lectured by Maria Luft.
Panel VI.4 "Historie literatury po historii literatury" – "Literaturgeschichten nach der Literaturgeschichte" will take place bilingual
Programme Overview
Thursday, 14 March 2024
3:00 PM:
opening of the congress office
5:00 PM:
Welcome by the Vice-Rector for Research at TU Dresden, Prof. Dr. Angela Rösen-Wolff
Katja Meier, State Minister of Justice and for Democracy, Europe and Equality of Saxony
Dariusz Pawłoś, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland
Heiko Maas, President of the German Poland Institute Darmstadt
Panel discussion:
Prof. Dr. Angela Rösen-Wolff (Vice-Rector for Research at TU Dresden), Prof. Peter Oliver Loew (German Poland Institute Darmstadt) and Prof. Christian Prunitsch (Institute for Slavic Studies at TU Dresden)
Festive lecture:
Christiane Hoffmann, journalist and deputy spokesperson for the German government: 'Everything we don't remember. Poland, Germans and the caesura of February 24, 2022“
Musical Accompaniment: TriOzean
6:30 PM:
Reception at the invitation of the Prime Minister of the Free State of Saxony, Michael Kretschmer
Friday, 15 March 2024
8:30 AM: opening of the congress office
9–10 AM: Project presentations (plenum)
10–10:30 AM: panel discussion: Polenstudien.Interdisziplinär
10:30–11 AM: coffee break
11 AM–1 PM: 7 parallel panels, 2 x forum
1–2:30 PM: lunch break
2:30–4:30 PM: 8 parallel panels, 1 x forum
4:30–5 PM: coffee break
5–6:30 PM: 8 parallel panels, 1 x forum
6:30–7:30 PM: internal meetings
8:30 PM: Evening program: concert with the bands Coals and KIWI at Zentralwerk; film (Boże Ciało/Corpus Christi) at Zentralkino
Saturday, 16 March 2024
8:30 AM: opening of the congress office
9–11 AM: 8 parallel panels, 1 x forum
11–11:30 AM: coffee break
11:30 AM–12:30 PM: Zwischenzeiten (presentation of projects, talks)
12:30–2 PM: lunch break
2–4:30 PM: 7 parallel panels, 1 x forum
4:30–5 PM: coffee break
5–6:30 PM: 7 parallel panels, 1 x forum
8 PM: joint dinner (Wenzel Prager Bierstuben, Königstraße 1)
Sunday, 17 March 2024, 10 AM:
city tour on Polish traces in Dresden (in German or in Polish)
guided tour at Dresden Castle incl. Green Vault (in German or in Polish)